About Us
As adult children of divorce, single parents, and stepparents, Tammy and Jay S. Daughtry have an immense passion for children and parents impacted by divorce and remarriage. They both have a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and Tammy founded Co-Parenting International (2003), an organization aimed at helping divorced/divided parents raise healthy kids in complex families. Together they opened The Center for Modern Family Dynamics (2014) to provide counseling, relationship coaching, and support for individuals, couples, families, and leaders. Personally, Tammy has experienced the pain and uncertainty of divorce and was a single mom for many years, while Jay’s single-parent journey came from the tragic loss of his first wife in a car accident. Tammy has been a co-parent raising a daughter “between two homes” since 2000. They married in 2009 and know first-hand the challenges and blessings of raising a blended family of four.
Tammy and Jay have a desire to help as many families and leaders as possible. You can often find them presenting at the International Children’s Pastor's Conference, Care-Net, D6, Heartbeat International, the National Association of Relationship and Marriage Educators, the American Association of Christian Counselors, the Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, and many statewide mental health and relationship conferences.
They also work with the Army, Air National Guard, Navy Seals, and other military leaders who work with families. Both have extensive media experience with radio having been guests on Focus on the Family, Family Life Radio, Moody Radio as well as numerous local and national radio programs, TV, and podcasts.
When not presenting on the matter of co-parenting and its impact on children, they can usually be found at home in Nashville, TN engaging with parents as they help them navigate the challenging dynamics that divided and remarried homes can present. Or, enjoying the blessings of four grandchildren as they watch their family tree blossom. As trainers, they find deep fulfillment in seeing their work give a voice to children in hard places and a road map for the parents that love them.
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